Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Book Binding with Lucy Wilson

Book Binding
Lucy Wilson
21/02/2012 @ 1:30
Third Year Critical Studies Room

This afternoon I was given the opportunity to participate in a book binding workshop, which I must admit was thoroughly enjoyable, although I had my reservations at first.

It was held my Lucy Wilson who can be found at http://www.elizabethsheart.com/ an illustrator and designer working in the heart of Liverpool. Her portfolio boasts an array of illustrations, made things and exhibitions. And I must say when she showed us her portfolio, which she brought along with her, it was the cutest I’ve ever seen. It is professionally bounded by herself and used different papers depending on the image she is presenting, it was truly beautiful. I daren’t touch it in case I got my greasy fingerprints on it, it was that delicate.

Lucy was really approachable but wasn’t scared of the silence at the same time. We were clearly quite a quiet group but she seemed happy for the peaceful environment whilst we were concentrating on our budding skills.

Bind the pages wasn’t half as difficult as I had imagined though I’m not sure if I will remember all the steps, I have written them down just in case, for my own referral more than anything else.

Always start stitching from the outside inwards with the spine facing towards you, preferably with it lined up neatly against the edge of a table. Remember to tape the first few inches to the right side of you. Sew in and out of your pre-prepared holes until you reach the other side. For A5 paper folded in half (to make an A6 sized book) find the middle of the fold then measure 2cm either side of this mark, then 3cm either side of those and finally 1cm either side of those. Pull the needle downwards through the first loop you made to connect the pages together. To finish first two pages knot together with bit masked to the table. Coming back use the loop furthest away in the direction in which you are travelling from the previous page. Always remember to fold any paper with the grain where possible.

I’ve never heard of paper having a grain before (I know as a child my Dad always told me to cut my meat with the grain because it’s easier, I guess it’s a similar principle?). Basically, if you try to fold the paper one way it will bounce slightly but will be difficult to crease and will crinkle but if you try to fold it the correct way it should fold easily and smoothly. So there you go.

I did feel slightly guilty for having to leave five minutes early to catch Nicola Slater for my portfolio session but these things can’t be helped. What I would say though is that this workshop was worthwhile and will no doubt be extremely useful, if I see any more in future I won’t be the one to turn my nose up anymore. Thanks to Lucy and to the college for arranging such a worthwhile afternoon, good job guys.

Please take the time to check out some of Lucy's fantastic work, the link is posted twice above.
Also, for similar work check out

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